FM Financial considers it an honor to come alongside ministries and other organizations with financial services that allow you to more fully concentrate on carrying out your mission. We would be pleased to partner with you on:
Consultations with your board, finance, or investment committee to help craft an investment plan for sustainability and growth
Expertise in helping you develop a compelling case statement for raising funds
Loan services for qualified Free Methodist churches and ministries seeking expansion​
Investment options for managed accounts and endowments
Investment portfolios through GuideStream Financial ranging from conservative to aggressive to help you steward the resources entrusted to your care*
403(b) plans through GuideStream Financial for employees of qualified organizations*
Years of experience processing gifts ranging from simple to complex
Processing and receipting of gifts requiring more than a cash receipt (i.e., securities gifts, qualified charitable distributions from IRAs, real estate gifts, charitable remainder unitrusts, charitable remainder annuity trusts, and more)
We would also love to help your people understand the Stewardship Well Done Journey. The better each of us stewards the resources entrusted to our care, the more we can accomplish together!
Whenever you engage with FM Financial, you will interact with qualified professionals who understand biblical stewardship principles and are not paid by commissions. You can have peace of mind knowing you can trust us with your questions and that we always have your best interests in mind.
Contact us for a free consultation. Today is the right time to begin the conversation.
*Some accounts, investment management, and financial planning services are offered through our wholly owned subsidiary, GuideStream Financial, which is a full-service Registered Investment Adviser (RIA) firm. Click below to learn more or to access your GuideStream Financial account.
**FM Financial’s Free Methodist Investment and Loan Fund provides an opportunity to earn interest while helping churches grow. Loans are available for qualified churches and agencies related to The Free Methodist Church – USA. It is not authorized in all states. Click below to learn more or for online access.