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Letter from the President: Investing with Discipline

The Olympics always provide us with inspiring stories of athletes who have invested countless hours into their chosen sport, often overcoming hardships and hurdles along the way. These athletes are excellent examples of what happens when you apply disciplined methods and practice over a long period of time.


Words associated with discipline include consistency and self-control. These words are also critical when it comes to investing. There are many self-proclaimed experts who claim to have figured out how to time the market or who have discovered the “secret sauce” when it comes to investing. We have found that investing with discipline based on a long-term financial plan provides the best recipe for success.


Investing with discipline starts with consistently setting aside money into designated accounts. Every month, intentionally designate a portion of your income to be saved toward a goal, such as retirement. You may not think it is worth it if you are only setting aside a small amount, but you are establishing a discipline that will serve you well over time.


Investing with discipline also involves having a long-term plan. Specifically stating goals and measuring success along the way is key. Knowing where you are going in the long-term helps you exercise self-control with daily decisions. Consulting with trusted experts to refine and adjust your plan along the way is invaluable.


In this newsletter, you will find various articles about investing. We hope you will be inspired to not leave investment to chance. Planning with purpose and investing with discipline lead to giving with joy. Together it all leads to living a life of Stewardship Well Done.


Mark Olson




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